Masters of the Universe 01 - The Coming of Hordak!
- Battle Cat
- Cringer
- Grizzlor
- He-Man
- Hordak
- Leech
- Man-At-Arms
- Mantenna
- Modulok
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Skeletor (Terror Claws)
- Sorceress
- Teela
Masters of the Universe 02 - Falling Stars
- Battle Cat
- Cringer
- He-Man
- Man-At-Arms
- Meteorbs (good)
- Meteorbs (evil)
- Orko
- Panthor
- Prince Adam
- Rokkon
- Skeletor
- Stonedar
Masters of the Universe 03 - The Garden of Evil
- Battle Cat
- Cringer
- Hordak (Hurricane)
- Horde Troopers
- He-Man
- Mantisaur
- Orko
- Prince Adam
Masters of the Universe 04 - Snake Alive!
- Cringer
- He-Man
- King Hiss
- Kobra Khan
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Rattlor
- Rio-Blast
- Skeletor (Terror Claws)
- Snout Spout
- Tung Lashor
Masters of the Universe 05 - Monstroid
- Battle Cat
- Cringer
- Extendar
- Grizzlor
- He-Man
- Hordak
- Leech
- Mantenna
- Modulok
- Monstroid
- Multi-Bot
- Orko
- Panthor
- Skeletor
Masters of the Universe 06 - From Here to Eternia
- Battle Cat
- Cringer
- He-Man
- Man-At-Arms
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Rio Blast
- Rokkon
- Skeletor
- Snout Spout
- Sorceress
- Stonedar
Masters of the Universe 07 - Long Live the King
- Blast-Attack
- Clamp Champ
- Faker
- He-Man
- King Randor
- Man-At-Arms
- Ninjor
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Scare Glow
- Skeletor
- Sorceress
Masters of the Universe 08 - The Getaway
- Extendar
- He-Man
- Hordak (Buzz-Saw)
- Man-At-Arms
- Mosquitor
- Rio Blast
- Skeletor
- Snake Face
- Snout Spout
- Sorceress
- Sssqueeze
Masters of the Universe 09 - The Hate Stones
- Andra
- Dree Elle
- Grizzlor
- He-Man
- Hordak
- Horde Trooper
- King Randor
- Leech
- Mantenna
- Man-At-Arms
- Montork
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Queen Marlena
- Skeletor
- Sorceress
- Teela
Masters of the Universe 10 - Courage
- Blade
- He-Man
- Man-At-Arms
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Saurod
- Skeletor
- Teela
- Webstor
Masters of the Universe 11 - Whose Enemy Am I Anyway?
- Battle Cat
- Catra
- Clamp Champ
- Cringer
- Grizzlor
- Hordak
- He-Man
- Man-At-Arms
- Imp
- Hordak
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Rio Blast
- Shadow Weaver
- Teela
Masters of the Universe 12 - Life Time Part 1
- Andras
- Battle Cat
- Buzz-Off
- Clamp Champ
- Cringer
- Extendar
- Fisto
- He-Man
- King Randor
- Man-At-Arms
- Man-E-Faces
- Mekaneck
- Moss Man
- Orko
- Prince Adam
- Queen Marlena
- Rattlor
- Roboto
- Rokkon
- Rotar
- Skeletor
- Snake Face
- Snout Spout
- Sorceress
- Sssqueeze
- Stonedar
- Stratos
- Sy-Klone
- Teela
- Tung Lashor
Masters of the Universe 13 - Life Time Part 2
- Battle Cat
- Blade
- Clamp Champ
- Cringer
- Evil-Lyn
- He-Man
- Ninjor
- Prince Adam
- Saurod
- Skeletor
- Teela
Masters of the Universe - The Motion Picture
- Beast Man
- Blade
- Evil-Lyn
- Gwildor
- He-Man
- Julie
- Karg
- Kevin
- Lubic
- Man-At-Arms
- Saurod
- Skeletor
- Sorceress
- Teela